Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Superheroic/Anti Hero
Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Who am I?
At my current state of 15 years old I am still in the process of findind

Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Jesus Cristo!
Although I have never met him he is my mentor. He lived on this earth to set an example of how we should live and he was God's son. He lived a perfect life and although I am far from perfect I strive to be like him. A tool he has left for me is his teachings a.k.a the Holy Bible. He has taught me to live a lifestyle that brings joy to ones heart and because of him I can forever rejoice with him in heaven. He has brought peace to my heart and the world. And he is the perfect mentor because when I falter he will not. Humans make mistakes but he can't so he is the perfect mentor for one to have and since he knows every thing about you he cannot fail you. Who is this great mentor? Well it is Jesus Christ of course! He is my mentor by choice and by his grace my father.
Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:17 AM 0 comments
My shadow is well my shadow. I consider my past my shadow in a way because no matter what your past will always be there following you where ever you go.And to me my past is not a happy thing. My life is not fillel with torment and failure but is a past full of dissapoitment. I was not always a good kid so I brought alot pain towards my family especailly my mom and even thought I have changed and my mom has forgiven me my past is still there in my mind. But I will not let it overcome me because like said I am a new person
Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Mi Familia!
Although a trikster is usually one person in my story it is defferent. I have an extremly large family so I have a lot og little cousins and although they don't brign mischeif in my life they are mischeivious. They bring joy to me whenever I see them. I always come to the realization that we should all let out our inner child every once in a while.
Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Posted by Cristian San Miguel at 11:17 AM 0 comments